There are a few ways to disassemble a hot wheel without a drill. One is to use a screwdriver to pry off the plastic pieces around the axle. Another is to use a butter knife or a pair of pliers to remove the screws that hold the axle in place.

There are a few ways to take apart a Hot Wheels car. One way is to use a screwdriver to remove the screws that hold the car together. Another way is to use a knife to cut the plastic around the screws. Finally, you can use a hammer and nails to pry the car apart.

There are a few ways to take apart a Hotwheels car with a screwdriver. One way is to remove the screws that hold the body of the car together. After removing the screws, you can then separate the body of the car from the chassis.

The most basic tool you will need is a Phillips head screwdriver. Other tools that may be helpful include a hammer, pliers, and a saw.

To disconnect Hot Wheels Tracks, first remove the screws that hold the track to the base. Then pull the track off of the base.

There are a few ways to lower a Hotwheel. One way is to use a screwdriver or another thin object to pry off the top of the car. Another way is to use a coin or small piece of metal to nudge the wheel down.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the way in which hot wheels lift cars can vary depending on the model and edition of the toy. However, some common methods used to lift cars with hot wheels include using magnets or springs to suspend them in the air, or using a motor to power a lifting mechanism that lifts the car off the ground.

There are a few ways to spray paint a Hot Wheels car. The most common way is to use a can of spray paint and hold the car up so that the paint covers the entire surface. Another way is to use a brush and paint the car in sections.

There are a few ways to put a hot wheel back together. One way is to use the axle and hub from the old hot wheel and screw it onto the new one. Another way is to use the screws that come with the new hot wheel.

Diecast wheels can be removed by using a die grinder or a power drill.