Your LinkedIn profile plays a pivotal role in your recruitment process. The critical element distinguishing your profile from others is your profile picture or headshot. As per LinkedIn stats, users who include a profile picture on LinkedIn tend to get 36x more messages. However, simply adding a random image of you will not do the magic.

The mentioned factors are not the only important points. Many others need to be taken care of, like lighting, brightness, saturation, shadows, aspect ratio, etc. We will discuss all the necessary things to take the best picture for your LinkedIn profile in the write-up!

Key Aspects of Taking a Professional Headshot for LinkedIn

A professional picture is not just about the right angle and the best smile. It involves a lot of minute details that need to be considered. You must keep in mind some key things while preparing for your professional headshot.

Dress According to the Job You Want

Your overall attire plays an indispensable role in boosting your LinkedIn profile. Therefore, you must wear the same outfit you would wear to your job. For example, if you are a doctor, wearing a lab coat would be an ideal pick for your headshot.

Another example can be if you are a lawyer looking for a job. It will be ideal to wear a black coat over a white shirt. The sole motive is to look professional. If you wear a t-shirt in your profile picture, the recruiters may not take your profile seriously.

Dressing professionally will prove that you took the time to take a good headshot.

Put a Recent Photo and Update It With the Time

Each one of us experiences changes in our faces over some time. It can lead to confusion as you might look different from your profile picture. Here it is necessary to keep your professional headshot for LinkedIn updated.

Try uploading the most recent picture after a fixed interval of time. Perhaps, if your face has undergone changes like hair growth, you should update your headshot as soon as possible.

Pick the Right, Blending Background

The background of your professional headshot for LinkedIn also affects the recruiter’s mind. Hence, keep the background free from any type of distractions. Some of the necessary points to keep in mind here:

  • Avoid putting photos that have people in the background.Don’t use a picture that is cropped from a group photo.Use an industry-specific backdrop.

Each industry has its unique requirement. Therefore, you need to keep the backdrop as per your job sector. For example, if you are in the construction industry, an outdoor backdrop in front of a building would be the best. You need to take care of some specific backdrop requirements for each industry.

Allot 60% of the Headshot to Your Face

If you put your Facebook or Instagram image on your LinkedIn, it may not work for you. Tell me! Who will be able to see your face while you are standing on a distant mountain? No one!

This is why you have to cover around 60% of your professional headshot for LinkedIn with your face. It will be best to keep from the top of your shoulders to above your head in the image. It will cover your face and provide an idea about your attire in the picture.

Don’t Rely on Selfies

No matter how cool you look in that particular selfie, it is not going to work for LinkedIn. A selfie is a casual way of taking a picture that will not make your profile look professional. Therefore, do not use selfies to represent you.

Instead, look into professional photography studios that can capture your best side and make it look professional. You could also hire a photographer to take the perfect headshot for your LinkedIn profile.

Smile in the Picture!

If you have seen the pictures on LinkedIn, most people smile while some pose a serious expression. Now, there is nothing wrong with those who pose seriously. If you consider your brand to be serious, it is fine. However, it is best to offer a good expression in the picture.

Smiling in the professional headshot for LinkedIn can help you get hired faster. Moreover, smiling in your LinkedIn picture can portray you as a competent and influential person.

It is good to smile, but you need to ensure that it is not uncomfortable and appears natural.


A professional headshot for LinkedIn is a great way to make yourself stand out from the crowd for potential employers. It is necessary to keep your picture updated and use an industry-specific backdrop. You should also avoid filters, selfies, and group pictures.

Furthermore, you should take your professional headshot in natural light and smile in the picture. Following these tips can help you take the perfect professional headshot for LinkedIn.