There is no surefire way to tell if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp, but there are some clues you can look for. If you can no longer see the person’s profile picture, name, or status update, they may have blocked you. Additionally, if you try to call the person and it goes straight to voicemail, they may have blocked your number.

There’s no way to know for sure who viewed your WhatsApp status secretly, but there are a few things you can do to try and figure it out. First, check your phone’s notifications to see if anyone has opened the WhatsApp app while it was closed. If there’s someone you’re suspicious of, you can also try checking their phone’s notifications to see if they’ve viewed your status. If they have, there’s a good chance they were the one who viewed it secretly.

Your WhatsApp status indicates whether you are available to chat or not. If you are unavailable, your status will say “away” or “busy”.

There is no sure way to tell if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp without letting them know, but there are some things you can do to try and figure it out. One thing you can do is try sending them a message and see if they respond. If they don’t, it’s possible that they have blocked you. You can also try looking at their profile picture to see if it has changed. If it has, it’s possible that they have blocked you.

There could be several reasons why you’re not seeing other people’s WhatsApp statuses. One possibility is that you have the “Last Seen” setting turned off, so their status isn’t updated for you. Another possibility is that they’ve set their status to “Private.” You can also choose to only show your own status to specific people, so if you’ve chosen not to share your status with someone, they won’t be able to see it.

If you don’t want someone to be able to see your WhatsApp status, you can exclude them from your status list. To do this, open WhatsApp and go to Settings > Account > Privacy. Under “Status”, tap “Who can see my status?” and then select “My contacts except”.

Yes, someone can see how many times you view their WhatsApp status.

There could be a number of reasons why your partner keeps checking your WhatsApp status. Maybe they’re just curious to see who you’ve been talking to, or maybe they’re worried about what you might be saying about them. It could also be that they’re feeling insecure and are looking for any signs that you might be cheating on them. If your partner is constantly checking your WhatsApp status, it’s worth having a conversation with them to find out what’s going on.

When someone blocks you on WhatsApp, they are essentially removing you from their contact list. This means that you will no longer be able to send them messages, and they will no longer be able to see your messages. However, if the person is still online, it’s possible that they could see your messages if they are in a group chat with you.

There are a few ways to tell if someone has blocked your number. The first is if you try to call them and it goes straight to voicemail, even if you know they’re not busy or out of the country. Another sign is if they never text or answer you back, even if you know they’ve seen your messages. If all of your calls and texts to that person suddenly stop without any explanation, it’s likely that they’ve blocked your number.