Why you should stop WhatsApp backups

WhatsApp is a great messaging app that allows you to send text and photos. It’s an excellent app, but it can be annoying when your phone automatically saves new images on their server.

To stop this happening, you should follow these steps:

Go to your settings and make sure the “Backup my chats” option is turned off. Click on “Privacy and Security,” then on “Backup. ” Find the message thread with the photo in it and click on “Delete backup. ”

How to stop Whatsapp backup

If you have an Android, there’s a few different ways to stop the Whatsapp backup. The first way is to go into your settings and find “Data usage.” From there, you can change the option for “Automatic backup” to “Off.” Another way is to open WhatsApp and then go into the menu at the top-right corner. You’ll see an option for “Backup options.” This will allow you to choose how often your phone backs up data from its files.

Delete old Whatsapp backups.

The first step to stopping your phone from taking automatic backups is to turn them off. To do so, open WhatsApp’s Settings page and select the “Backups” tab. Toggle the slider next to “Turn on automatic uploads” to the left and set it to off.

To stop automatic backups for a single chat or profile, go into that chat or profile and swipe down until you see the three dot menu icon on the bottom-right corner of the screen. This will bring up a list of options for that person’s account, including turning off backup.

If you want to delete old backups, open WhatsApp’s Settings and select “Delete Backups.” Here you’ll be able to find all the old backups and delete them one by one.

It might seem like a hassle sometimes, but this way you won’t have those pesky photos popping up on your phone every time you log in.

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