What are the ways by which you can stop Stalking?

There are many ways by which one can stop stalking. First of all, try to find or recognize the person who is stalking. Most of the time it can be people you have known in the past like ex-lovers, people you see in your daily routine, etc. This does not mean you start engaging with that person. Remember to never engage with the person directly as it is the motive of the stalker to get a response or find a way of talking to the person. A stalker can inflict major harm to the victim.

Share it with your support system, it could be anybody that you trust like your parents, cousins, friends, partner, etc. These people should be the ones that you trust and can count on anytime you are in need. Also, keep these people informed of your movement, and let these people keep a track of you and your whereabouts. 

Report it. One can report it to the police. There are many helpline numbers as well depending upon your area of residence. These numbers are easily available on google. If you are aware of the identity of your stalker, you can also get a restraining order from the court which is the order of protection. For this, you can contact a law enforcement official or an attorney.

Block that person. In the case of cyberstalking, one can always restrict the person or block. Avoid putting your location on the posts that you are putting up online. This can majorly help in stopping it. Do not permit many apps on the phone to have access to your location. Also, ask your friends and family to not post about you and your location.

Stay alert. Alertness will help tackle many situations and save you from a lot of trouble. Do not sit and bury your head in your phone or put on earphones and listen to music. Be aware of when you are being stalked. Avoid going to places that are lonely or not crowded. Always trust your instincts. Try to not step out of the house alone. Ask your friends and family to accompany you when going out. Ask your friends to walk you to the door of your house. Change your patterns. Avoid following the same patterns for commuting. Change your route and timing. This does not mean living in fear and anxiety but just protecting yourself from an adverse situation.

Secure your residence. Whether you are living in an apartment or a house, always lock the door and the windows even when you are inside. Alert your neighbors and ask them to keep an eye around. Instead of hiding your key anywhere around, give your trusted neighbor a spare key to your house. Install security cameras around your house and surroundings. This will also help you keep a track of movements taking place around your house. Ask your friends or family to come and live with you for some time.

Learn Self-Defense. One should learn basic self-defense tactics. Knowing basic self-defense can save you in many situations. In the event of an attack, you will be able to defend yourself. You can take self-defense classes anywhere, in a school, in college, or at an institute. You can also carry self-defense tools like pepper spray etc. Following these suggestions, you will always be prepared for all kinds of adverse situations.

Do not ignore any threats. Take them seriously. Keep a record of all the messages, e-mails, and phone calls. If contacted directly immediately report it to law enforcement. Take the threats seriously and do not get manipulated if the stalker threats to commit suicide. Try to stay calm and not panic, do not react to the stalker.


These are the few ways through which you can protect yourself. Always seek help from your friends and family. Do not be reluctant in reporting it. And remember learning self-defense goes a long way, one should know how to protect themselves, physically, especially for women who are physically smaller than men. Let not your biological differences make you any less. Stalking is very common all around the world.. Never blame yourself for that, stay calm, and do not lose your peace of mind.

How do I stop stalking my ex?

The answer is very easy, instead of concentrating on stopping yourself from stalking, concentrate your time and energy on doing something else for example exercising, Yoga, developing a new hobby, etc. 

How do I stop cyberstalking? 

Do some changes to your Social media accounts. Make your account more private, restrict or block the person.

Is stalking a crime? 

Stalking is prohibited by law in many countries like Canada, the United States, Russia, China, the United Kingdom, Italy, India, Australia, and many more. Hence, stalking is a crime.