There could be a number of reasons why your Instagram is stuck on posting. One possibility is that you have reached your daily limit on posts. Instagram imposes a limit of 10 posts per day in order to prevent spamming. If you have already posted 10 photos or videos today, you will need to wait until tomorrow to post another.Another possibility is that there is a problem with your account. Perhaps you have been banned or your account has been temporarily suspended.

If you’re the one who created the post, you can delete it by going to the post’s menu and selecting “delete.” If someone else created the post and you want it removed, you can report it to Quora for removal.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to get social media to stop posting will vary depending on the individual platform and how it is configured.

Instagram posts can take a while to post for a few reasons. One reason could be that Instagram is experiencing high traffic and is struggling to keep up. Another reason could be that your post is waiting in line for approval from Instagram’s moderators. If you’re using a third-party app to post to Instagram, that app may also be experiencing delays.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to stop posting on your timeline will vary depending on your personal Facebook habits.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as what you post on social media will vary depending on the platform and your target audience.

There is no one definitive way to make it so that no one can post on your Facebook wall. However, you can remove the ability for people to post on your wall by adjusting your privacy settings. To do this, go to the Privacy Settings page and under the “Who Can Post On Your Timeline” section, select “Only Me.

There could be a number of reasons why you hate posting on Instagram. Maybe you find it difficult to come up with content that’s interesting or engaging. Or maybe you don’t like the way your posts look when they’re filtered.Another possibility is that you’re not getting the results you want from Instagram. Perhaps you’re not seeing enough engagement or followers. If this is the case, then it might be time to reconsider your strategy and try something different.

There are a few reasons why people might not enjoy posting pictures of themselves online. Some people may feel self-conscious or uncomfortable with their appearance and don’t want others to see them. Others may simply not enjoy having their picture taken. Whatever the reason, there are ways to overcome your reluctance to post selfies! Try focusing on the positive aspects of sharing your photos online, such as staying connected with friends and family or documenting important moments in your life.

There are a few reasons why you might want to stop posting on social media. Maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed by the amount of content you’re creating, or you’re not getting the results you want from your posts.It’s also important to remember that social media is a public forum, and whatever you post can be seen by anyone. If you’re not comfortable with that, it might be time to take a break from social media.