There are a few ways to stop notifications from interrupting music. One way is to disable all notifications on your phone. Another way is to put your phone in Do Not Disturb mode. You can also set certain apps to not send notifications during certain times. For example, you could set your music app to not send notifications during the night.

Your iPhone music might stop when you get a notification because the notification takes over your screen. This prevents you from being able to see your music and listen to it.

There are a few ways to get apps to stop interrupting music. One way is to disable app notifications in the settings of your device. Another way is to use an app like “Do Not Disturb” which will silence all notifications for a set period of time.

Audio ducking is a feature that automatically lowers the volume of background music or other audio when someone is speaking. If you don’t want this feature enabled, you can disable it in your device’s settings.

There is a setting in your phone’s settings that will allow you to make all notifications silent when you are listening to music. This setting is usually found in the sound or general settings menu in your phone’s settings.

Your AirPods might stop playing music when you get a notification because the sound from the notification might be too loud for the AirPods to handle.

There are a few reasons why your AirPods might disconnect when you get a notification. One possibility is that the sound from the notification is too loud and is causing your AirPods to disconnect. Another possibility is that the Bluetooth connection between your AirPods and your phone is weak, and the notification sound is causing the connection to drop.

There are a few potential reasons why your iPhone music might keep pausing. One possibility is that you have low storage space left on your device, and your iPhone is automatically clearing out cached data to make room for new information. Another possibility is that there’s an issue with your headphones or earbuds, which might be causing the audio to pause intermittently.

There could be a few reasons why Apple Music keeps stopping. One possibility is that there’s an issue with your internet connection. Another reason could be that there’s an issue with the app itself. If you’re experiencing this issue, try restarting your device and/or deleting and reinstalling the app.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to stop notifications from interrupting music will vary depending on your device and settings.

There is a way to stop notifications from interrupting music on Android. When you are listening to music, press the home button and then drag the notification bar down. Swipe the notification for the music app to the left and then press the “I” in the top right corner. This will disable all future alerts for that app.