How to Stop Alexa From Saying OK?

More about Brief Mode

I don’t need to give you an explanation of what Alexa is because everyone knows all about it now and if you don’t, have you been living under a rock? Like really? But don’t worry this is a judgment-free zone and if you are here then you probably already know what Alexa is. So, I will just tell you about some features that Alexa has that you might not be familiar with, one of them being Brief Mode.

Alexa didn’t always have Brief Mode but it was added due to the crazy demands by customers and understandably so because let’s be honest no one likes hearing “OK” every time you tell Alexa to do something. I mean, what were they thinking but hey they have changed that so all is forgiven. 

Brief Mode allows you to turn off Alexa’s constant replies that might get on your nerves. It stops Alexa from saying “OK” constantly by simply replacing it with a Beep sound. Which has proven to be MUCH less annoying. (HA! Wouldn’t have been able to guess that!)

Just know that this feature is universal and when you turn it on it will automatically turn on for all Alexa-enabled devices. 

Here is a detailed guide on how to turn on Brief Mode

It might get confusing for those who are not “tech-experts” or maybe your Grandma who isn’t too familiar with our flashy technology wants to stop Alexa from talking back to her, here’s how.

Follow-Up Mode

How to turn on Follow-up Mode?

To turn on Follow-Up mode, follow these simple steps.

This lets you command Alexa without the need for the wake word. Ask “Alexa, what is the temperature right now?” and she will answer you! Making life a lot easier. You don’t even need to say “Alexa” every time you ask a question if you have this turned on. It just makes it a lot more efficient and you can ask back and forth questions without repeating the same thing over and over again. Through this option, you can ask Alexa pretty much anything and she will answer you and also know the subject of your question so you can continue asking more questions without repeating the details.

You can also make Alexa Whisper (Yup that’s right)

We live in a world of technology, smartphones, voice assistants, smart TVs, smart watches you name it, and if that wasn’t enough we can even make our super home-friendly voice assistant Alexa whisper. Your kids may not whisper when you or your partner are asleep but Alexa will (At least some peace..I guess?). 

With this mode turned on you can whisper your commands to Alexa and she will whisper her responses back to you as well. 

However, this feature is currently only available in the US and UK.

Some other Alexa features that can help you

Here are some features that can help you get more out of your Alexa. It will be a better experience if you have Follow Up Mode turned on.

Alexa speaker has a long list of features and it is super versatile and home-friendly, these were just some of the most basic ones we feel like everyone should have the knowledge of. 

Ans. Yes, you can command your voice assistant speaker to turn the lights off/on.

Ans. The newest version of the Echo costs $249.