There are a few different symbols that can appear on Facebook messages. A red exclamation point means that the message was sent to you while you were offline, and a green checkmark means that the message has been sent and received. An arrow pointing to the right means that the message has been forwarded, and an arrow pointing to the left means that the message has been copied.

The green dot on Messenger means that the person is currently active on the app.

There is no foolproof way to read a Facebook message without it being seen. If the sender has enabled notifications for the message, then you will see a red number next to the Facebook Messenger app icon on your phone or computer, notifying you that you have a new message. If the sender has not enabled notifications, then you will only be able to see the time and date that the message was sent.

There is no foolproof way to know for sure if someone is ignoring you on Messenger, but there are some things you can look out for. If the other person stops responding to your messages or seems to be taking a long time to reply, they may be ignoring you. Additionally, if the other person’s profile picture disappears from your chat, this could also be a sign that they are no longer interested in talking to you.

There can be a few reasons why a message is delivered but not seen. The most common reason is that the recipient’s mailbox is full and the message can’t be delivered. Another reason might be that the recipient’s account has been deleted or suspended.

You can’t tell for certain if someone is checking your Messenger, but there are some signs that may indicate that someone is doing so. For example, if you suddenly start receiving a lot of messages from the person, they may be checking to see what you’re up to. Additionally, if the person is constantly asking about your location or what you’re doing, they may be monitoring your activity on Messenger.

Active now means that the post is live and being seen by your followers. The green light means that the post has been published and is now available for anyone to see, whether they are following you or not.

If someone ignores you on Messenger, they may be busy or not interested in talking to you. You can try sending them a message again or contact them another way.

A GREY circle with a checkmark means that the person you’re messaging is online and available to chat with.

Yes, you can see if someone is active if they ignored you. If you send a message to someone and they don’t respond, their profile will show that they are inactive.