How To Start A Thesis Statement?

As a start to writing a good thesis statement, you should always try and make it short and sweet. Unnecessary words are not required and should not be used. Your point should be stated with clarity in either one or two sentences. It should be taken into account that when you write a thesis statement it should feature the following characteristics: People with knowledge of the subject,and with reason should be able to object or disagree on it; The subject chosen as per its characteristics and nature should be treated adequately; One main idea should be expressed. Other than these points a thesis statement is generally written near the end of the subject’s introduction and it should sum up the central point of the topic or subject written. 

Another way to start a thesis statement is to write a detailed subject outline of the thesis. You should go right down to the sub-section level- this is the part that takes only a page or a couple of pages. Now, firstly make a topic outline for the entire work, then make a thesis outline: hence tell what your thesis (argument) will be for each subsection. The most important tip on how to start a thesis statement is that you must know the topic, research and experience, will guide you towards an informative thesis statement that will enhance your paper or topic.

Below mentioned are some pointers which you must take into account while starting the thesis statement:-

You must state your topic as it is the essential key that gives an idea of your topic or paper. You should mention the main ideas regarding your topic. Your main idea should be supported with good reasoning. You should give a second reason or another reason supporting your main idea. One more reason should be mentioned in accordance or support to the main idea in your chosen topic. If it can be applied you can include an opposing viewpoint to your main idea.

Impactful Words Used To Start A Thesis Statement.

Now, as explained earlier basic rules for writing a thesis statement are to state the topic or present your argument sufficiently. For these, the recommended sentences are given below that can make an impactful start to your statement.

In this essay, I will/ I am/ I am going to………( Subject to be mentioned) is an interesting topic/ relevant topic/ my favorite topic because……. . Through my research, I have learned that/I have understood that/ it is understood that……. .

These starting statements can start your thesis in an impactful, engaging, and proper manner that could help you build your topic and leave an impression on the reader.

Any thesis statement should have three main parts that include- the limited subject, the precise opinion, and the blueprint of reasons.

One must remember that a good introduction conceptualizes and anticipates the thesis statement, so to make the thesis statement more impactful, a powerful introduction of the topic must be written which propels the reader to understand your point of view. 

What Does A Thesis Statement State?

A thesis statement tells the below-mentioned pointers to its reader:-

It gives a preview or an idea to the reader about what your choice of topic is all about. It prepares the reader for the subject discussed. what to expect from the written paper is generally crystal clear in a thesis statement. A thesis statement is such that it claims that others may or may not relate or agree to your viewpoint. It is open to others wanting to dispute it or give their opinion or viewpoint on it. A thesis statement gives direct answers to the questions asked. It must be remembered that a thesis interprets a chosen subject or a chosen question it in itself is not the subject. A thesis statement is a sentence that is generally near the beginning of the paper that gives the reader an idea regarding your argument written on the paper. The body of the essay and the rest of the paper give the reader a logical explanation of your interpretation, which in turn persuades the reader towards a better understanding of your perspective on the subject. A good thesis statement lets the reader know about your belief in the said subject, and how you intend to prove it. It distinguishes between a thoughtful research project and a simple retelling of facts.

What Is A Thesis?

The term “thesis” comes from a Greek word that means, something put forth and this term refers to an intellectual proposition. The first philosopher who defined the term thesis was none other than Aristotle. We can define the term thesis as a theory or a statement that is written and put in the paper for the reader as a premise that can be proved or maintained. It can also be said that a thesis is written by a candidate in form of a long essay pr dissertation after doing personal research on the matter, to attain a university degree. In simple words, it can be said a thesis is a short statement usually a single statement that summarizes the main point or claim of an essay, research paper, etc., and this is supported, developed, and explained in the text by the means of examples and evidence.

What Are The Different Types Of Thesis Statements?

Thesis statements are of 3 types analytical, argumentative and  explanatory, are explained below:-

Analytical thesis statement- This kind of statement is on analyzing an issue and hence presenting it with your views. Here you examine the components of the text, an idea, or an object and then discuss how these components work together. Argumentative thesis statement- In an argumentative thesis statement you make a claim about which, people with reason can disagree. Statements or facts of areas that are general and are agreed upon cannot be argumentative because very few people will disagree with them. You should support your viewpoint and understanding with proof or evidence to make your argument on the subject stronger. Explanatory thesis statement- An explanatory thesis statement is based solely on factual, true, and correct information. This kind of statement does not hold anyone’s personal opinions or personal views. It also does not make any claims that are not supported by any evidence. Instead, it is a statement that tells the reader precisely what the topic is all about and it touches on all the major points that are going to be explored in the essay. Other than these three main types of thesis statements, these statements can be written in the following ways as well :- Evaluative thesis statement wherein one assesses or evaluates the strengths and weaknesses. Comparative thesis statement here differences and similarities of the texts, objects, or ideas are examined. The Cause and Effect thesis statement focuses on how the actions or events contribute to a specific outcome.  


In concluding on how to write a thesis statement we can say that a thesis statement is the most integral part of an essay, a thorough knowledge of the subject approach is of most importance, precise words and small yet making an impactful statement is how a thesis statement should look like. It should keep the writer intrigued and give a clear understanding of what the topic is all about and also show your viewpoint on the matter stated. It must always be kept in mind that a thesis is not the topic itself, but it is rather an interpretation of the writer on the question or subject. A thesis statement takes a stand and shows your conclusion about a subject. So, to summarize it, we can say when you write a thesis statement, it should be self-explanatory, thoughtful, conclusive, and impactful, which brings forward your view to the reader on the subject. A thesis statement sets up the purpose of writing a paper.

  1. Where is the Thesis Statement generally placed in an essay?

Ans) The positioning of a  thesis statement in an article is generally at the end of the first paragraph of a paper.

  1. why is a thesis statement important?

Ans) The thesis statement gives the reader an insight into the rest of the essay. It declares the position of the researcher on the specific subject. It tells the audience what they will be reading about. It performs the duty of a guide to the reader in the article or essay presented and keeps the reading focussed on that specific discussion only.

  1. What is the first thing one must do before writing a thesis?

Ans)Before writing a thesis, one must choose a familiar topic, try and persuade readers to read it, a subject that people can agree as well as disagree with should be chosen, and a clear thesis on the introductory part of the article should be written.