Telegram has changed the way how instant online messaging works on smartphones. End-to-end encryption features like to self-destruct, focus on privacy have made it the most sought messaging app. Moreover, multiple people with the same purpose can come together under one roof through Telegram groups. These groups are a great platform to create a network for personal as well as business use.

A group can also serve as a platform to transfer messages for a medical emergency. I mean if there is a requirement for blood then on a dedicated medical Telegram group one can post requirements for a donor. Similarly, small groups can be created among close friends and family members. The same goes for business networking. You can make a Telegram group of entrepreneurs sharing their ideas. Also, you can create a private group that only has members from your corporate office.

In this guide, I will tell you how to create a Telegram Group. You will create groups serving a specific purpose as I mentioned earlier. Then you can add members to this group.

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Create A Telegram group

In a group, you can add up to 200,000 members and share an unlimited number of files within a group.

Start your Group on Android,

  • Launch the Telegram App
  • At the bottom of the home screen on the right side, tap on the button with a pencil icon
  • Then on the next screen tap on New Group
  • Up next, you have to add users to this group. You can start with the contacts on your devices. To add a contact simple tap on their name
  • Then enter the group name
  • Tap on the blue tick mark button at the bottom right corner to create the Telegram group

Creating Telegram Group on Desktop

  • Open the Telegram client for windows
  • Tap on the hamburger icon to expand the drop-down menu
  • Select New Group
  • Give the Name of the Group and Add a profile picture
  • Then tap Next
  • Now, you have to add members to the Telegram group
  • To add the contacts, tap on the name of the contacts
  • Once you finish adding members to your new group, click on Create.

Adding Members to A Group via Invite Link

Along with manual addition, you can also create a link of your Telegram group and share it over other social media, message app, or through email. Anyone with the link can join your group.

  • Open the Telegram group
  • Tap on Group Info
  • On the next screen, tap on Add Member
  • Then tap on Invite to group via Link
  • Either you can copy the link directly or share it through other social media apps you have on your phone.

So, that’s all about creating a new Telegram group on various platforms and adding members to it. If you want to create a closed or open community of friends, colleagues, or other business-related work then you should bring together people with common interest via a Telegram group.

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