No, Ddit is not a government.

No, DDU is not a medical college. DDU is a university with a focus on distance learning.

Nadiad University is located in Nadiad, Gujarat.

There is no definitive answer to this question since it is still under review by the GTU. However, some speculate that DDU may be transferred over to GTU as part of their merger.

There is no National Cadet Corps (NCC) in D.D.U. Nadiad.

What is Gia and SFI?

There are three colleges in Nadiad.

The Pincode of Nadiad is 575005.

Nirma is not under GTU.

Gia is a financial technology company that provides innovative products and services to the global banking and financial services industry. SFI is a global financial stability organization that promotes the stability of the global financial system.