How Many Users Can access the same Wi-Fi?

Depending on the specifications set by the host, many users can access Wi-Fi. The number of users than can access Wi-Fi can be set through the settings in the computer or smart devices. The users can be adjusted. Similarly, there’s a particular way of maintaining the security of the wireless networks. The server, which is the host, can set some passwords to his network so that whoever wants to access it must provide the password. These passwords are essential for a smooth connection to the internet connection. Categories of Wi-Fi Wi-fi are different types. The types are classified based on the range of network coverage. There are wide area networks and local area networks. The wide-area networks can be connected from a far distance. It can cover s wide area where users from a far distance can access it. This type of network is usually found in large organizations, universities, companies, estates, commercial centers, etc. The network is always strong and reliable. The second type of Wi-Fi network is a local-area network. This type of network covers a specific location, which is not wide in range. The local area network, which is also called LAN serves many devices within its range or limit.

How To Share Wi-Fi Password?

To share a Wi-Fi password, a password needs to be set on the host computer or device. If it is on special devices such as  smartphones and devices, the user needs to set a password for the hotspot. The hotspot controls the activity of the Wi-Fi. If the password is set, then the number of users can be set. Multiple users can access a wireless network without being interrupted. when the hotspot setting is complete, the procedure to share Wi-Fi starts. To share Wi-Fi, the user should go to settings in his phone, touch the connection options, and when open, and then he should click on mobile hotspot and tethering. From there, options will be displayed, and then the mobile hotspot should be turned on. By doing this, wi-fi will be available for connection by the user. The person sharing the network should show the password of the hotspot to the users. Password Sharing Is Typical For Local Area Networks. Another form of sharing Wi-Fi Passwords is by giving particular passwords to different users. Here, every user has his unique password which is user-specific. This means that no one can use his login details to access the wife. In this type of network sharing, every user has a profile with a username and password. The password is a unique identity of the user which grants him access to the shared Wi-Fi.

Preferences In Connecting Wi-Fi 

A beneficiary of a shared Wi-Fi has some options from which he will choose when joining a network. The first option gives the device the ability to connect automatically to a shared network. Whenever a particular network is shared, the device recognizes the network and connects to it automatically without the user taking part in the connection process. The other option requires the user to manually select a network and input its password if it has one. 


Wi-Fi is a technology that allows computer devices and other electronic devices to connect to a network without a physical being connected; they connect wirelessly to the network being shared. However, wireless networks may be a local-area networks or a wide-area network. As the names suggest, the networks can be accessed within a short distance and a very wide distance or coverage. But it should be noted that all Wi-Fi networks may be secured with passwords. A password is set through the settings of a mobile phone where the hotspot is enabled. If the network is secured, the password will be given to a user, and he inputs it into the required field on his phone. Lastly, a shared Wi-Fi can be joined automatically or manually. When it is automatic, the user of the device does not set anything as long as the network has been made open by the