There is no definite answer, but most likely there will be a new iPhone released in September of 2018. Apple typically releases a new iPhone every year, and there have been numerous rumors and leaks about the upcoming iPhone Xs. So it seems likely that there will be another iPhone released in the near future.

The second iPhone was called the iPhone 3G. It was released on July 11, 2008.

There are a few other phones that are similar to the iPhone, but they all have their own unique features. For example, the Samsung Galaxy S6 has a curved screen that wraps around the edges of the phone. The HTC One M9 has a 20-megapixel camera that takes high-quality photos. And the LG G4 has a leather back panel that gives it a unique look.

There is no iPhone 13 coming out. Apple typically releases a new iPhone every year, and the next one would be the iPhone 12.

There is no iPhone 14 coming out. Apple typically releases a new iPhone every year, and the next one would be the iPhone 11.

There is no iPhone 15. Apple releases a new iPhone every year.

The “se” in iPhone is short for “special edition.” The iPhone se is a less expensive version of the iPhone 6s. It has the same design and features as the 6s, but its hardware is slightly less powerful.

The “se” in iPhone is short for “special edition.” The iPhone se is a less expensive version of the iPhone 6s. It has the same design and features as the 6s, but its hardware is slightly less powerful.

iPhone 2 was released on June 29, 2007.

iOS 14 has not been released yet, so we don’t know which iPhone will run it. However, it is likely that the newest iPhones, the iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, and iPhone 11 Pro Max, will run iOS 14.