Instagram has recently released a new feature called IGTV which allows users to post hour-long videos. However, this feature is not yet available for stories. There is no set date for when this will be available, but it is likely that Instagram will add this feature in the near future.

To share someone else’s IGTV video on your Instagram feed, you first need to open the video. Once the video is open, you will see three icons in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen – a Share button, a Heart button, and a Comment button. To share the video on your Instagram feed, tap on the Share button and then select the Instagram icon. The video will be uploaded to your Instagram feed and will appear as a post.

IGTV stories can be shared without playing by copying the share URL and pasting it into a different app or website. The share URL will allow others to view the story without having to have an Instagram account.

IGTV stories can be shared to other users on the platform by tapping on the share button on the bottom of the story and selecting the desired recipients. Stories can also be embedded on websites or shared on other social media platforms.

Yes, users are able to repost videos that are up to 60 minutes long on IGTV. This feature was added in order to allow for users to share longer videos on the app. By reposting videos, users are able to give others a taste of what IGTV is all about and may inspire them to start creating their own videos.

IGTV is a unique app that allows users to post videos up to 10 minutes long. Unlike other social media platforms, IGTV does not have a time limit for videos. Once a user has created a video, they can share it as a “feed” after it has been posted. This allows followers to watch the video in its entirety without having to click on a link.

When you want to repost a video on Instagram story, but have it play automatically, you can use a third-party app like Story Reposter. After you’ve downloaded the app, open it and find the video you want to repost. Tap on “Share” and then “Repost.” Story Reposter will give you the option to either repost the video as is or edit it first.

To share someone’s story on your own story on Snapchat, open the Snapchat app and tap on the “Stories” icon at the top left of the main screen. This will take you to your “My Story” screen, which will show all of the stories that you have shared on Snapchat. On the bottom of this screen, there is a small icon of two people shaking hands. Tap on this icon, and then select the story that you want to share.

IGTV previews used to be included in users’ feeds, but this changed in early 2019. To put an IGTV preview back in your feed, you need to first create a story. Tap the plus icon at the bottom of the screen and select “Story.” Then, tap the “Video” option and select the clip you want to use as your preview. Once you’ve selected the clip, drag it to the beginning of your story.

Since videos take up a lot of space on Instagram stories, and many users are on mobile data plans which have data caps, Instagram does not allow videos to be played automatically on stories. This is because it would use up a lot of data for users, and could potentially cause them to exceed their data cap for the month.

There is no one definitive way to make a video on Instagram play on your story. However, one way that has been shown to be successful is to upload the video to Instagram as you would any other post, and then include it in your story by tapping on the “Story” option at the top of your Instagram feed. The video will then play within the story interface, and can be watched by all of your followers.

There are a few ways to add videos to your Instagram story. The first way is to upload a video from your phone’s library. To do this, open the Instagram app and swipe left to access the stories camera. Tap the “plus” icon in the bottom-left corner of the screen to select a video from your library. The second way is to record a new video directly on Instagram. To do this, open the app and swipe left to access the stories camera.