If we search for the best alternative of Whatsapp then the first option which pops up in your mind is Telegram. For those who are not familiar with Telegram, Telegram is an instant messaging application with a lot of features which you will not find in any other instant messaging app. But along with features, security is also another major factor for its better reliability. So here is how you can set passcode lock in telegram app.

In terms of features, Telegram is a fully packed which a user always in need of. Like from Superchat Groups to Brand Channels with a lot of admin rights and integration of 2nd and 3rd party bot. This is another day’s topic, we will discuss it later.

[googleplay url=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.telegram.messenger”]

Passcode Lock in Telegram App

Passcode lock is always the best option for safety from unwanted entries to the application. Telegram provides us with an easy and reliable method for setting up the passcode lock within the app. Follow the below procedures to set it up:

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  • Open Telegram app from App Drawer.
  • Tap on the menu icon from the top left portion.
  • Tap on Settings label.
  • Tap on Privacy and Security label.
  • Tap on Passcode Lock label under the Security section.
  • Toggle the Passcode Lock switch.
  • Set your preferred lock option from the pop-up menu.

If you have any issue while reading the above procedures or you are acting lazy then just have a look at the below screenshots.

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That is it, you have successfully enabled passcode lock in telegram app. Now each time you open the app, there will be one more level of security to go through. By the moment you close the app it will automatically be locked up. But if you want to change the criteria of locking procedure then you can select the any of the four alternatives i.e, 1 minute, 5 minutes, 1 hour, 5 hours. That means that if you select the 1-minute option then the app will automatically be locked after 1-minute from when you exit or switch away from the app.