There are a few different ways to detonate sticky bombs in GTA 5 on PS4. One way is to shoot them, which will cause them to explode. Another way is to drive over them with a vehicle, which will also cause them to explode.

The detonate button for sticky bombs on the PS4 is the square button.

There is no one definitive way to set off sticky bombs in GTA 5 Xbox. Some possible methods include throwing them at vehicles or people, setting them on fire, or detonating them with a remote control.

Sticky bombs can be activated in a few ways. One way is to use a detonator, like a blasting cap, to set off the explosives. Another way is to use a fuse. The fuse is lit and then the bomb is thrown or placed where it will do the most damage.

There are a few ways to remove bombs from cars in GTA 5. One way is to drive the car into water and the bomb will be automatically removed. Another way is to call the police and have them remove the bomb for you.

There are a few different ways that you can use your phone to detonate C4 in Grand Theft Auto 5 on PS4. One way is to go into the explosives menu and select the C4, then use the phone to trigger the explosion. Another way is to call a friend and have them blow you up by using their phone to detonate the C4. Finally, you can also use the phone to remotely detonate C4 that has been placed in cars or other objects.

There are a few different ways to detonate C4 in Grand Theft Auto V. One way is to use a detonator, which can be found in various locations around the map. Another way is to shoot the C4, which will cause it to explode.

There are a few different ways to use car explosives in GTA 5. One way is to shoot the explosive out of a gun, which will cause the car to explode. Another way is to place the explosive on the car and then detonate it.

Remote detonation of bombs is done through a variety of methods. In days gone by, it was often done through wires that were connected to the bomb and then run to a detonator. These days, it is more often done through radio signals or even satellite signals.

To detonate a bomb in GTA 5 with your phone, you first need to purchase a bomb from a Ammu-Nation. Once you have the bomb, open your phone and select the “Remote Bomb” option. Then, use the on-screen joystick to guide the bomb to your target. When you’re close enough, press the “Detonate” button to detonate the bomb.