Yes, the iPhone 6S is still a good phone in 2021. It was released in 2015 and has a lot of features that are still up-to-date, like a 12-megapixel camera and a 4.7-inch screen. It may not have the latest and greatest features, but it’s a solid phone that will continue to work well for years to come.

The iPhone 6S is still a great phone in 2020. It has a powerful processor and a lot of storage space. If you can find it at a good price, it’s definitely worth buying.

The iPhone 6S is now available for around $450-500, depending on the model and storage capacity.

iPhone 6S was discontinued on September 7, 2018.

The iPhone 6S is not too old. It was released in September of 2015, so it is only about two years old. There are many people who are still using the iPhone 6S.

The iPhone 6s is a great phone. It has a lot of features that make it a great choice for people looking for a new phone. Some of these features include its powerful processor, its large screen, and its long battery life.

The iPhone 6s is about the same size as the iPhone 6. It has a 4.7 inch screen and is about 0.3 inches thick.

The camera quality on the iPhone 6S is very good. It has a 12 megapixel camera that takes clear, sharp photos. The camera also has a number of features that make it easy to take great photos, including a live photo mode and a slow-motion video mode.

The iPhone 6s cost $649 when it was released.

It’s hard to say which phones will be obsolete in 2021, but it’s likely that many of the current models will be outdated. By that time, new technologies and innovations will have emerged, so it’s likely that phones with more limited capabilities will no longer be as popular.