On WhatsApp, ❤ means “love.” When you type ❤, it will show up as a red heart.

The big ❤ means that someone loves you.

When a girl sends you a text with a 💗 emoji, she is telling you that she loves you.

There’s no one answer to this question, as it can mean different things depending on the guy. In general, though, when a guy sends a girl a heart emoji, it can mean that he likes her and is interested in getting to know her better.

The 🖤 emoji is used to represent love, compassion, and strong feelings of affection. It can also be used as a symbol of support or solidarity.

The emoji 💕 is a heart symbol. It typically means love, affection, or appreciation.

In texting, 🔥 means “hot.

The emoji 💙 is typically used to represent love, joy, or happiness.

The ✨ emoji is used to represent a star or something that is shining. It can be used to show appreciation or as a symbol of good luck.

The 💞 emoji is used to represent love, affection, and happiness. It can be used to express feelings for someone special, or simply to show appreciation.