When you follow someone on Instagram, they are added to your “following” list. To see a list of people you’ve requested to follow, go to your profile and tap the “following” tab. If someone you’ve requested to follow hasn’t followed you back, their profile will be displayed in the “requested to follow” section.

The easiest way to determine if someone has rejected your follow request on Instagram is to check your “Following” list. If the person’s name is no longer listed, it means they have rejected your request. Keep in mind that there are other reasons why someone might not be appearing on your “Following” list, such as if they have blocked you or have deleted their account.

When you request someone on Instagram, their profile picture and username will appear in a small circle at the bottom of your screen. If they accept your request, you will become friends and be able to view each other’s photos and profiles. If they ignore or decline your request, it will disappear from your screen.

There could be a few reasons as to why someone might be receiving requests from strangers on Instagram. One possibility is that the person’s profile is public, which means that anyone can view it and send them a request. Another possibility is that the account might be fake, and the person sending the requests is just trying to get information or access to the account holder’s followers.

When an Instagram user posts a photo and tags another user in the comments, that other user is “requested” to be tagged in the photo. Tagging someone in a photo on Instagram allows that person to view the photo on their own account, even if they’re not following the person who posted it. It’s a way of sharing photos with friends and family members who aren’t necessarily followers of your account.

When a user posts a photo or video to their Instagram account, they can choose to make it public or private. If the photo is public, anyone who visits the user’s profile can see it. If the photo is private, only people who are following the user can see it. When a user requests to follow someone, that person’s profile will become visible to them. If the person does not accept the request, their profile will remain hidden.

If you request to follow someone on Twitter twice, the first request will be denied, and the second request will be granted. This is because Twitter only allows a user to follow up to 2,000 people. If you exceed this limit, Twitter will automatically deny any additional requests to follow people.

The amount of time that an Instagram Follow request lasts can depend on a variety of factors. One thing that may affect how long the request lasts is how often the account that is being requested to follow posts. If the account being requested to follow does not post very often, then the follow request may last for a longer amount of time than if the account being requested to follow posts more frequently.

When a girl requests to follow you on Instagram, it typically means that she is interested in you and wants to keep tabs on your activities. It can also be seen as an invitation for you to follow her back, which may lead to further conversations or interactions. If you’re not interested, you can always decline the request or simply ignore it.

A follow request is an instruction on a social media platform, typically Twitter, to “follow” another user. The instruction can be given by the user who wants to be followed, or by someone else who wants to promote the first user. Following someone on Twitter (or any other social media platform) means that the user’s posts will appear in the first user’s timeline.

There is no simple answer to this question, as it depends on a number of factors. Some things to consider include the level of trust you have in the person, how well you know them, and what their intentions are. If you’re not sure whether or not to accept a follow request, it’s usually best to err on the side of caution and not accept it.