When you see a user has “requested to follow” on Instagram, it means that the user has approved your request to follow them.

When you post a photo or video to Instagram, you can choose to share it with just your followers, or make it public so anyone can see it. If you choose to share it with just your followers, that’s called a “requested” post.

When you post a photo or video to Instagram, you can choose to share it with just your followers, or make it public so anyone can see it. If you choose to share it with just your followers, that’s called a “requested” post.

There could be a number of reasons why someone would follow you but not accept your follow request. Maybe they’re not interested in following you back, or they’re not interested in your content. It could also mean that they’re not interested in social media at all.

There are a few different reasons a girl might request to follow you on Instagram. She may be interested in you and want to get to know you better, she may be a fan of your work or she may simply want to keep up with what you’re up to. If you’re not interested in her, it’s best to ignore the request. If you are interested, feel free to accept and start interacting with her on the platform.

When you ignore an Instagram request, the other person doesn’t receive a notification that you ignored them. If you’re friends with the person, they will still be able to see your profile and posts. If you’re not friends with the person, they will no longer be able to see your profile or posts.

There’s no definitive answer to this question since Instagram’s policies and how they’re enforced can change over time. However, as a general rule, follow requests do not expire. This means that if someone has sent you a follow request, they still expect you to follow them back even if it’s been a while since you received the request.

No, when you request someone on Instagram it does not disappear.

You can see a list of people who have requested to follow you on Instagram by going to your profile and tapping on the “following” tab. If you don’t want to follow someone back, just tap on the “follow” button next to their name.

There are a few reasons why follower requests might disappear. One possibility is that the person you requested to follow has already followed too many people and their account has been suspended. Another possibility is that they have blocked you or deleted your account. Finally, it’s also possible that your request simply didn’t go through.