When you share someone else’s Instagram post, the name of the account that originally posted the photo won’t show up in your post. Instead, it will say “via” and then the name of the account that you shared it from. This is done to protect the privacy of the original poster.

To see who has shared your post on Facebook, open the post and click on the “Share” button. A list of people who have shared the post will appear, along with the number of times they have shared it.

To see who has shared your Instagram post in 2021, open the post and click on the “Share” tab. This will show you a list of all the accounts that have shared the post.

There are a few reasons why you might not be able to see who shared your post. One possibility is that the person who shared it has set their privacy settings so that their name doesn’t show up when someone else shares one of their posts. Another possibility is that the person who shared your post didn’t include their name in the post itself.

No, Instagram does not tell you if someone shares your post. However, you can see who has shared your post by clicking on the “Share” button below your post and then looking at the list of people who have shared it.

Yes, you do get a notification when someone shares your post on Instagram.

Facebook has a feature called “Shared With Me” that shows you all of the posts that have been shared with you. This includes posts that have been shared with you by friends, groups, and pages that you follow.

There is no definitive answer to this question as of now. However, there are a few methods that you can try in order to find out who shared your Instagram post-2022.One way is to use a third-party app such as Crowdfire or Just Unfollow. These apps allow you to see who has recently followed or unfollowed you, as well as who has liked or commented on your posts.Another way is to check your post’s insights.

If you’re the person who originally uploaded the photo, you can delete it from your account. If someone else has shared your photo, they would need to remove it from their account in order for it to be deleted from the web.

There are a few reasons why you might not be able to see who shared your post on Facebook. One possibility is that the person who shared it has set their privacy settings so that their name doesn’t appear on the post. Another possibility is that the post was shared by a page or group, rather than by an individual. If you’re having trouble seeing who shared your post, you can try clicking on the “Share” button and then selecting “View Insights.