No, Instagram does not tell you when someone sent your post.

Sent is a feature on Instagram that allows users to send photos and videos to specific people.

There is no definitive way to tell who exactly saved your Instagram post, as the app does not currently have this feature. However, there are a few things you can do in order to try and figure it out.One thing you can do is check your account’s “saved posts” tab. This is a section of Instagram that shows all the posts that you have saved to your account, regardless of whether or not you have shared them with your followers.

Sent messages are those that have been delivered to the recipient’s phone, but have not yet been read.

If you have notifications turned on for DMs, then you will get a notification when someone opens your DM.

If you send a message on Instagram and then decide you don’t want it to be sent, you have the option to “Unsend” the message. This will remove the message from the recipient’s inbox, and it will also be removed from your chat history.

Sent means that the post has been sent to your followers, but it’s not yet live. Seen means that the post has been live for a while and at least one of your followers have seen it.

The phrase “opened but not seen” is often used to describe books that have been borrowed from a library and not yet returned. This phrase is used because the book has been opened (or checked out) by the borrower, but the borrower has not yet had a chance to read it.

Yes, Unending a message on Instagram deletes it.

Yes, you can unsend a message on Instagram without them knowing. To do this, open the message you want to unsend and then tap and hold on it. A menu will pop up and you can select “Unsend.