If you get reported on Facebook, the site will review the report and determine if it violates its Community Standards. If it does, the site will take action against the account, which could include suspending or deleting it.

There is no sure way to know if someone has reported you on Facebook, as the site does not release information about individual reports. However, there are some things you can do to try and figure it out. First, check your notification settings to see if you have any new notifications. If you don’t, that could mean that someone has reported you. Additionally, you can try searching for your name on Facebook’s public search bar.

It’s possible that someone has reported your profile or posts because they believe that they violate Facebook’s Community Standards. Facebook’s Community Standards outline what is and isn’t allowed on the site, and include policies against hate speech, graphic violence, and nudity. If you believe that your profile or posts have been reported in error, you can report the complaint to Facebook.

According to Facebook’s Help Center, you need to submit two reports in order to delete your account.

There is no definite answer to this question as it depends on the severity of the reports filed against you. Generally, if Facebook receives a large number of reports about one user, it will investigate and may take action depending on the findings. This could include banning the user from Facebook altogether.

It takes at least two reports to delete a Facebook account.

It usually takes Facebook a few days to review a reported account. However, if the account is reported for violating Facebook’s Community Standards, it may take longer for Facebook to review it.

If your account is reported, it could be suspended or terminated.

It depends on the severity of the offense. Generally, a ban will last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

There is no one answer to this question, as it depends on the specific actions that led to someone being banned from Facebook. However, some of the most common reasons for being banned from Facebook include using fake profiles, posting spam or malware, and violating the site’s terms of service.