There’s no right or wrong answer to this question – it’s entirely up to each individual user whether they want to save posts on Instagram or not. Some people may find it helpful to save posts that they like so they can refer back to them later, while others may prefer not to save any posts in order to keep their feed clean and clutter-free. Ultimately, it’s up to the individual user to decide what works best for them.

Yes, Instagram saves your likes. The app keeps a record of the posts you’ve liked and the people you’ve followed.

Your posts are automatically saved in your account, but you can also save them to your phone’s photo album.

People can see your activity on Instagram if you have your account set to public. If you have your account set to private, people will only be able to see your activity if they are following you.

Yes, someone can see how many times you viewed their Instagram profile. If you view someone’s profile more than once, Instagram will show the number of times you’ve viewed their profile on their profile page.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to get 1,000 followers on Instagram in five minutes may vary depending on your niche, audience, and marketing strategy. However, some tips to get more followers on Instagram quickly include using popular hashtags, posting interesting and engaging content, and using effective marketing tactics like influencer marketing.

Yes, anyone can see what you like on Instagram. The app is designed so that your followers can see your likes in their feed and vice versa.

There are a few ways to tell if someone is active on Instagram. One way is to look at their profile and see if they have recently posted anything. Another way is to see if they are following any new accounts or have been active on the app in the last day or so.

There is no surefire way to see what pictures your boyfriend likes on Instagram, but you could try searching his account for hashtags that are related to the photos he’s liked. Alternatively, if you have access to his phone, you could look through his Instagram app.

Yes, you can definitely tell if someone screenshots your Instagram story. A small screenshot icon will appear in the bottom left corner of the image whenever someone takes a screenshot of your story.